Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Top Gifts for Women

Shopping. Guys know how to get what we need and we are out of there. Studies even show that men are decisive shoppers and spend less time in the stores. There is one part of shopping that will slow us down. That is shopping for women. What do they want ? What are some new gift ideas they may like? has several gift ideas that will make the women in your life happy this holiday season.

1. Diamond Jewelry:
They say that diamonds are a girl’s best friend and diamond jewelry makes for the best gift perhaps for women. It is not for everyone to give as they don’t come very cheap but if you do manage to think of an extravagant gift, think of diamond jewelry as the best gift that you can give to a woman.

2. A Weekend Getaway:
A weekend getaway is a great gift for anyone. It makes for a great surprise gift for everyone and it is a good way to change up things too. It is a much prized gift by people of all ages and again like most gifts is not restricted to any age group. Gifting a getaway or a small vacation can also be done as a surprise gift as already said.

3. Handbags and shoes:
A must have for almost every woman, a handbag makes for a great gift. You can also spice things up by adding in lots of other stuff that she will like inside the handbag itself. Designer handbags are a dime a dozen and you can easily pick them out without worry. Shoes also make a great gift for women. The markets are filled up with great shoes to gift and picking them out should also be easy.

4. Gadgets:
Giving gadgets as gifts has become vastly popular not only because of the many different types of gadgets that one can easily find but also because of the lessening of prices of gadgets like mp3 players, phones and cameras. It is again a non occasion specific gift and can be given to any woman.

5. Perfumes:
Perfumes are a great all round gift. You don’t really even need an occasion to give a gift such as this. It is easy to pick out from the numerous brands of exquisite perfumes that are available. You can also easily pick out her favorite to make it a great gift.

6. Designer wear:
Gifting clothes especially designer wear and dresses is also a good road to take. This is perhaps best executed if you take the lady with you and help her pick out the stuff she wants. This way there are less chances of a slipup happening as far as your choices go. Nonetheless it is a great and simple way to give a gift to a woman.

7. Gift Baskets:
Gift baskets containing many smaller gifts have also become popular now days. The choice of the filling in the basket can range from fashion accessories to flowers to even edibles. You can also throw in other things in a basket like scented candles, incense and decorative.

8. Accessories:
There are a large number of accessories that are available for women. Fashion accessories like rings, pendants, earrings, necklaces and other trinket jewelry always make for a great gift to give to any woman. Different shapes and sizes of such accessories work come for gifts of every type and it is an easy thing to choose.

9. Chocolates:
Chocolates are also an all round gift. You can gift chocolates to a woman without any occasion present and it makes for a wonderful and very easy gift. Chocolates come in all price ranges and can also make for an expensive gift if you are looking for something exclusive which can also be quite a surprise gift.

10. Flowers:
A well chosen batch of her favorite flowers is a very popular gift and can be given to any woman whatever be the occasion. The choices of flowers vary by the person and it helps to make the gift all the more special if you know what the person’s favorites are. It is a gift for all occasions and can even be given without an occasion present.

So, this list can be your guide so you don't get slowed down on your shopping experience this holiday season.

If you would like to contact us with any questions or feedback, you can reach us by email.

Thank you for visiting!
Joseph A Jones & The Welllife Team

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Simple Relaxation Techniques for Men

Men lead very stressful lives. We are expected to handle everything. That creates stress for us. It is important to have some simple easy ways to  relax so we better handle these situations. The website has presented some real simple ways to learn how to relax.
Anxiety is a normal reaction to the stress and strain of daily life. When anxiety and nervousness is pernicious or persistent, it can compromise your ability to deal effectively with your problems. According to Harvard Health Publications, when anxiety becomes chronic it poses significant risk to your health, increasing your vulnerability to illness. Anxiety states can be mitigated through self-conscious management of your mind and body. Furthermore, research, such as the study described at APA PsychNet, indicates that relaxation techniques can help lower baseline anxiety.

Deep Breathing

Deep breathing oxygenates your blood, enhances brain functioning and induces relaxation. Lie on your back if possible, or sit comfortably. Take a moment to relax your body and release muscular tension. Inhale slowly and deeply through your nose for about 10 seconds. Use your diaphragm to fill your lungs as completely as you can. Hold your breath for a few seconds, and then exhale through your mouth. Slowly expel as much air as you can, emptying your lungs completely. As you exhale, imagine you are blowing out your anxiety and tension. Wait a few seconds, and then repeat the process as long as you need. Often, just a few deep breaths can calm you.

Progressive Relaxation
You can learn this technique and provide yourself mental instructions, or record yourself, slowly and calmly giving the instructions, and then play the tape when you want to relax. Lie on your back, with your hands and arms to your side. Close your eyes. Feel your feet. Notice any tension in your feet, and release it. Notice how your feet feel heavier. Scan for any more tension in your feet and release it. Once you have released all tension from your feet, move your attention to your ankles and calves. Feel their weight, notice any tension, and then release it. Relax every muscle in your ankles and calves. Sense the steady force of gravity as your calves sink toward the bed or surface below you. Slowly and methodically, direct your attention up your body in the same manner. Move from your calves, to your knees, thighs, buttock, and then to your abdomen and chest. As you focus on your chest, notice your breathing. With each breath, release more tension as you exhale. Allow your breathing to slow as you feel your chest and abdomen get heavier and heavier. Feel your weight, as you are pulled deeper into your mattress. Once you have completely relaxed your chest and abdomen, direct your attention to your fingers, hands, arms, shoulders, head and skull, mouth and jaw, face and cheeks, and then finally your eyes. Once you have progressed up your entire body, mentally scan your body again. Search for any remaining tension and release it.

Guided Imagery

With this technique you imagine yourself in a peaceful setting. Lie on your back or sit comfortably with your eyes closed. Take a few deep breaths. Imagine yourself standing on an escalator that is taking you downward. As you glide down further and further you find yourself entering a favorite, peaceful setting. It may be a favorite vacation spot, a beach, a childhood summer home on a lake, the top of a mountain, or any place that you find relaxing and peaceful. Imagine looking around as the escalator finally places you at the start of a path. Imagine the sounds, scents and sensations of the location. Hear the waves lapping on the shore, feel the warmth of the sun, and the gentle touch of a fragrant breeze. Image yourself following the path until you find a place where you can lay and soak in the sensations of relaxing in your favorite spot. While you lay in your special spot, feel calmness and peaceful enjoyment move over you. Imagine yourself slowly drifting off into a deep sleep. When you are ready to return, savor a few more moments of your escape, and then slowly open your eyes. Return to this spot whenever you need to relax or escape.

We hope this helps you in learning simple ways to relax. If you would like to contact us with any questions or feedback, you can reach us by email.

Thank You for visiting!
Joseph A. Jones & The WellLife Team

Friday, October 14, 2011

Men Should Eat These Foods Daily

         Eating healthy is so important.What you put in your body has allot to do with how you feel and eventual long term health.With that said, it is important that you need to know specifically what to eat or drink. CNN health has a great list of what men should eat daily for maintaining health.  

      So what's the prescription for better men's health? Dr. Mehmet Oz and Dr. Michael Roizen say there are 11 things a man should eat every day --or nearly every day --to keep things running smoothly.

Here is the List :
1. Fruits and vegetables provide essential vitamins and minerals that will keep your body healthy. Foods rich in magnesium like beets, raisins, dates and soybeans are especially important because they'll keep your bowels moving regularly. Dr. Roizen says a man should eat about five handfuls of fruits and vegetables a day.
2. A man should shoot to get about 25 grams of fiber in his diet every day. You can reach this goal through foods like artichokes, lima beans, soybeans, grapefruit, certain berries and whole grains.
        Dr. Oz says that eating whole grains isn't just the latest craze -- they offer multiple benefits to health, including achieving proper poop. But first you need to read the label. When you're buying bread, make sure it says "100 percent whole grain" or "100 percent whole wheat." If the label says something else --like "7-grain" or "multigrain" -- it may not be whole grain.
        One of Oprah's favorite whole grain choices is steel cut oatmeal for its crunchy texture. To reach your goal for fiber, the USDA recommends eating at least three servings of whole grains a day.
3. Dr. Oz says you can significantly reduce your chances of getting cancer by eating foods rich in folate -- you should get about 800 milligrams a day. If you don't take it as a supplement, you can find folate in orange juice, spinach and other leafy green vegetables.
        "Folate decreases arterial aging, decreases blood pressure and decreases cancer rate," Dr. Roizen says. On labels, look for the words "folate" or "folic," he says.
4. As well as being good for the heart, tomatoes decrease risk of arterial aging, heart disease, stroke, memory loss, impotence and wrinkling of the skin, Dr. Roizen says. And tomato-based products contain lycopene, which has been shown to fight cancer.
            But to really reap the benefits, you can't just put a few slices of an heirloom tomato in your salad. The best way to get the positive effects is by eating 10 tablespoons of tomato sauce a week. "It takes 165 raw tomatoes to equal 10 tablespoons of tomato sauce," Dr. Roizen says. "So it's much easier to have tomato sauce."
          Dr. Roizen adds that it doesn't matter what kind of tomato sauce you have, "as long as it's cooked, and you eat it with a little olive oil and a little healthy fat because it's much better absorbed with it."
5. Dr. Roizen says walnuts and almonds are excellent for health. And not only are walnuts and hazelnuts excellent sources of heart-healthy omega-3s, but if you eat nuts before sugars (in dishes like pasta or corn on the cob), the fat in the nuts will slow your stomach and help your body most effectively process that sugar. One thing to remember is to keep nuts refrigerated so they don't oxidize.
6. If there's a true magic pill, Dr. Oz says it could be baby aspirin. "It's cheap and easy to take aspirin," he says. "Aspirin has many, many helping elements. It helps your skin, it helps about anything you can imagine. It has some potential risks if people have sensitive stomachs. But for cancer, you've got to be on it."
         A man over 35 should take two baby aspirin --or 162.5 milligrams --every day. It can reduce his rise of arterial aging by 36 percent.
7. In recent years, there has been a lot of conflicting information about eating fish. On the one hand, fish is consistently regarded as a terrific source of low-fat protein. On the other hand, there are persistent concerns about mercury and other environmental impurities.
           Dr. Roizen says you just have to remember a few great fish -- tilapia, salmon, flounder, cod and mahi-mahi --especially if they are wild caught. And not only is salmon a great source of protein, it has the added health bonus of being full of omega-3s, which are important for a healthy heart. According to Dr. Roizen, you should eat a serving of these fish three times a week.
8. Dr. Roizen says that it is important to drink eight glasses -- or about 64 ounces -- of fluid every day. "It helps move the poop and gives you better hydration. It actually cuts down on wrinkles, too, because you hydrate your skin when you take it internally."
9. "Red wine has a chemical in it called rezveritrol, which is a very strong antioxidant that's also been shown to be heart-healthy," Dr. Oz says.
        Why red and not white? "Red wine has the material from the skins of the grapes [which provides the rezveritrol]. The white wine has that skin stripped away. So if you're going to drink wine and you're going to take the hit on calories, drink red wine."
10. Men will stand up and cheer for this
next Dr.
Oz tidbit --coffee is actually good for you in reasonable amounts.
          Coffee actually has been shown to reduce liver cancer and to be effective with -- or with symptoms of -- Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases, Dr. Oz says. "So there are a bunch of different places where coffee can play a role. The reason it got a bad name is because it does have side effects, for example, migraine headaches and heart palpitations. But if you're not having them, coffee is reasonable."
           Did we mention, it's good for those bowel movements, too? Dr. Oz suggests 24 ounces of coffee a day is a rational amount for one person.
11. The calcium in milk is obviously good for bones -- any man with a mother has heard that one. But the other important ingredient is vitamin D, which is a cancer-fighting agent. While your body can actually get this vital nutrient from the sun, if you live north of Los Angeles or Atlanta, you won't get enough vitamin D in winter and you'll need to supplement it. A glass of milk or fortified orange juice a day should do the trick.
       We hope this helps you to know what to eat daily for maintaing good health.If you would like to contact us with any questions or feedback, you can reach us by email.
Thank You for visiting!
Joseph A. Jones & The WellLife Team

Thursday, September 15, 2011

The Top Threats to Men's Health and How to Overcome Them (Part 2 of 2)

Now we will complete the second part of the article.


No. 5: Stroke

You can't control some stroke risk factors — such as family history, age and race — but you can control other contributing factors. For example:
  • Manage chronic conditions. If you have high cholesterol or high blood pressure, follow your doctor's treatment recommendations. If you have diabetes, keep your blood sugar under control.
  • Don't smoke. If you smoke or use other tobacco products, ask your doctor to help you quit.
  • Make healthy lifestyle choices. Eat a healthy diet, being especially careful to limit foods high in saturated fat and cholesterol. Include physical activity in your daily routine. If you're overweight, lose excess pounds.
  • Limit alcohol. If you choose to drink alcohol, do so only in moderation.

No. 6: Type 2 diabetes

Type 2 diabetes — the most common type of diabetes — affects the way your body uses blood sugar (glucose). Poorly controlled diabetes can lead to heart disease, eye problems, nerve damage and other complications. To prevent type 2 diabetes, get serious about your lifestyle choices. Eat a healthy diet. Include physical activity in your daily routine. If you're overweight, lose excess pounds.

No. 7: Suicide

Suicide is another leading men's health risk. An important risk factor for suicide among men is depression. If you have signs and symptoms of depression — such as feelings of sadness or unhappiness and loss of interest in normal activities — consult your doctor. Treatment is available. If you're contemplating suicide, call for emergency medical help or go the nearest emergency room.

We  again would  like to thank The Mayo Clinics staff for compiling this important list and share ways to overcome these threats.

If you would like to contact us with any questions or feedback, you can reach us by email.

Thank You for Visiting!
Joseph A.Jones & The WellLife Team

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Top Threats to Men's Health and How to Overcome them (Part 1 of 2)

  Men are known not to focus on their health until something goes drastically wrong and then see the doctor.Thus it is important that they understand the top threats to their health and what they can do to overcome these threats.

The Mayo Clinic Staff has compiled information from the CDC (Centers of Disease Control) and this is what they found.


No. 1: Heart disease

Heart disease is a leading men's health threat. Take charge of heart health by making healthier lifestyle choices. For example:
  • Don't smoke. If you smoke or use other tobacco products, ask your doctor to help you quit. It's also important to avoid exposure to secondhand smoke.

  • Eat a healthy diet. Choose vegetables, fruits, whole grains, high-fiber foods and lean sources of protein, such as fish. Limit foods high in saturated fat and sodium.

  • Manage chronic conditions. If you have high cholesterol or high blood pressure, follow your doctor's treatment recommendations. If you have diabetes, keep your blood sugar under control.

  • Include physical activity in your daily routine. Choose sports or other activities you enjoy, from basketball to brisk walking.

  • Maintain a healthy weight. Extra pounds increase the risk of heart disease.

  • Limit alcohol. If you choose to drink alcohol, do so only in moderation. Too much alcohol can raise your blood pressure.

  • Manage stress. If you feel constantly on edge or under assault, your lifestyle habits may suffer. Take steps to reduce stress — or learn to deal with stress in healthy ways.

No. 2: Cancer

Various types of cancer are of particular concern to men, including lung cancer, skin cancer, prostate cancer and colorectal cancer. To reduce the risk of cancer, consider these general tips:
  • Don't smoke. Using any type of tobacco puts you on a collision course with cancer. Avoiding exposure to secondhand smoke counts, too.

  • Maintain a healthy weight. Losing excess pounds — and keeping them off — may lower the risk of various types of cancer.

  • Get moving. In addition to helping you control your weight, physical activity on its own may lower the risk of certain types of cancer.

  • Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. Although making healthy selections at the grocery store and at mealtime can't guarantee cancer prevention, it may help reduce your risk.

  • Protect yourself from the sun. When you're outdoors, cover up and use plenty of sunscreen.

  • Limit alcohol. If you choose to drink alcohol, do so only in moderation. The risk of various types of cancer — including cancer of the colon, lung, kidney and liver — increases with the amount of alcohol you drink and the length of time you've been drinking regularly.

  • Take early detection seriously. Consult your doctor for regular cancer screenings.

No. 3: Accidents

Motor vehicle crashes are a leading cause of fatal accidents among men.
To stay safe on the road, use common sense. Wear your seat belt. Follow the speed limit.
Don't drive under the influence of alcohol or any other substances, and don't drive while sleepy.

No. 4: Chronic lower respiratory diseases

Chronic lung conditions — which include bronchitis and emphysema — also are a concern for men.

To protect your respiratory health:
  • Don't smoke. If you smoke, ask your doctor to help you quit. Also avoid exposure to secondhand smoke.

  • Steer clear of pollutants. Minimize exposure to chemicals and outdoor air pollution.

  • Prevent respiratory infections. Wash your hands often and get a yearly flu vaccine. Ask your doctor whether you need a pneumonia vaccine as well.
Next Week we will complete the second part of this article.

If you would like to contact us with any questions or feedback, you can reach us by email.

Thank You for Visiting !
Joseph A. Jones & The WellLife Team